On this episode of ID The Future, hear excerpts from a Socrates in the City event where Dr. Stephen Meyer, director of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science & Culture, answers the question "Why are we still debating Darwin, and why does it matter?" As Socrates once said, "the unexamined life is not worth living." In speaking at a Socrates in the City event, Dr. Meyer joins a host of other thinkers who address life's most important questions by encouraging thoughtful discourse and debate. The event was hosted by author Eric Metaxas. Listen now!
Today’s ID the Future extends the discussion of A Mousetrap for Darwin: Michael Behe Answers His Critics, the newest book from Discovery Institute Press....
On this episode of ID The Future we feature a short clip about homology — the idea that there is structural identity and similarity...
On this episode of ID The Future you will hear from Robin Brown, a Florida school teacher who is supporting the Academic Freedom Act...