On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. Michael Denton predicts the breakdown of the mechanistic explanation of cell biology and discusses the current impasse between materialism and origin of life research. In light of the incredible complexity of biological systems, Dr. Denton asserts that the Darwinian framework fails to account for even a relatively simple red blood cell, and recognizes the viability of intelligent design as an explanation of biological life.
On this ID The Future, Liberty McArtor, host of the Know Why Podcast, interviews Jonathan Witt on the compatibility of science and faith, both...
Today’s ID the Future features a debate over the merits of intelligent design. Günter Bechly is a German paleoentomologist heard many times on ID...
On this ID the Future from the vault, Professor Emeritus Michael Flannery (U of Alabama-Birmingham) continues discussing evolutionist Kenneth Miller’s book The Human Instinct:...