On this episode of ID the Future, CSC's Casey Luskin is again joined by University of Warwick sociologist Steve Fuller, the author of the recent book, Dissent Over Descent. Highlighting topics from his book, Fuller explains the nature and problem of a scientific consensus on controversial topics, argues that intelligent design is not anti-science (just anti-establishment), criticizes Kenneth Miller's intelligently designed experiments that supposedly show "natural" selection, and predicts that, as biological study continues to become more like an engineering project, it will be harder for scientists to deny that life is intelligently designed. Listen as Fuller addresses why there is, in fact, dissent over descent.
On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin interviews Baylor University chemist Dr. Charles Garner on new findings in origin of life research...
Today on ID The Future, Casey Luskin speaks with Gordy Slack about his new book, The Battle Over the Meaning of Everything: Evolution, Intelligent...
This episode of ID the Future features CSC director Dr. Stephen Meyer's opening remarks to the Texas State Board of Education, where he testified...