Pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson is under attack by Darwinists trying to discredit him ahead of his invitation to deliver a commencement at Emory University on May 15th. Listen in as Casey Luskin shares the back story and provides details of an online petition you can sign now to show your support for Dr. Carson's right to express honest doubts about Darwinian evolution!
It's not just about Dr. Carson. It's about all the people who are being intimidated by a culture of bullying from the Darwin lobby. People we haven't even heard about yet, who are afraid to speak up for fear of their jobs and their livelihood. Will you help us protect their freedom?
On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, Robert Crowther interviews Dr. Michael Denton about the film Fire-Maker, which is available to...
On this episode of ID the Future, host Mike Keas talks with Sean McDowell about his book Understanding Intelligent Design: Everything You Need to...
On today’s ID the Future biologist Michael Behe and Philosophy for the People host Pat Flynn conclude their conversation (posted by permission here) about...