On this episode of ID The Future we get a report on a recent ID conference in Knoxville, and a preview of the upcoming conference in Dallas.
What is intelligent design and what scientific evidence supports it? Why is it so controversial? How does it differ from Darwin's theory of evolution? Is there a purpose to the universe? What new scientific facts are turning evolutionary theories upside down? These are just some of the intriguing questions addressed at the Darwin Vs. Design conferences.
The emerging scientific theory of intelligent design is a hot topic at universities and research institutions around the world, and is now the focus of a series of conference called Darwin vs. Design organized by Discovery Institute.
The next conference will be April 13-14 in McFarlin Auditorium at SMU in Dallas, TX. Click here for more information.
On this episode of ID The Future, Jay Richards talks with Professor and author John Lennox about one of his latest books, Seven Days...
On this episode of ID: The Future, author Douglas Axe continues his conversation with Eric Metaxas about Axe’s book Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our...
On this and future episodes of ID the Future, we tell what happened to David Coppedge, a long-time employee of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab...