On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin continues his review of Giberson and Collins' The Language of Science and Faith, citing recent advancements in developmental biology that overturn their assertion that feathers evolved from elongated scales. Although Giberson and Collins have claimed the evolution of the feather as a prime example of novel features arising by random mutation, more recent findings show how evolutionary biology is failing to provide an explanation for how this could occur. Does the pursuit of scientific evidence really lead to the idea that the unique and complex structure of the feather is merely an accidental byproduct of evolution?
If a grand multiverse contains everything that’s possible, it ends up explaining nothing. On this ID The Future, physicist Brian Miller concludes his conversation...
On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, Ray Bohlin and Michael Behe discuss the limits of evolution. Does evolution innovative by...
In today’s ID the Future, scholar John West, managing director of Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture, reveals how current debates over whether...