On this episode of ID the Future, David Boze interviews Casey Luskin about a new study which determined that Precambrian microfossils could not have been evolutionary ancestors of the complex animals that appear in the Cambrian explosion. Previously, Darwinian paleontologists believed these fossils were multicellular animal embryos, but computer tomographic analysis has now shown they were single-celled algae-like organisms. As Boze and Luskin explain, they cannot be the solution to "Darwin's Dilemma."
On this episode of ID the Future, listen to Jonathan Wells and John West answer questions on the intelligent design movement, embryological development, speciation...
On this episode of ID the Future, listen to a lecture given by David Snoke at a conference sponsored by the Christian Scientific Society....
On this episode of ID The Future, Discovery Institute senior fellows David Berlinski and Michael Denton, both long-time critics of neo-Darwinism, discuss their primary...