On this episode of ID The Future, we return to the topic of the anti-science label and how opponents of intelligent design try to stifle the debate by using this unscientific term. Tune in to hear host David Boze review some of the latest examples of this tactic, including a recent article in New Scientist Magazine warning of unscientific America and its "dangerous retreat from reason." Boze also reviews definitions of science, just to be clear on what science is and what it isn't.
On this episode of ID the Future, biologist Ann Gauger responds to a negative review of the new Crossway anthology Theistic Evolution: A Scientific,...
On this episode of ID the Future, acclaimed author and Discovery Institute senior fellow David Klinghoffer takes a look at the academic freedom —...
On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin discusses The Design of Life: Discovering Signs of Intelligence in Biological Systems with author Dr....