This special academic freedom edition of ID the Future features an interview with Frank Manion, senior counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice, who represented astronomer Martin Gaskell in a recent lawsuit against the University of Kentucky (UK). By all appearances, UK denied Dr. Gaskell a job because of his perceived views on evolution and religious beliefs. Mr. Manion sheds light on what is an unfortunately common procedure in academia. Listen in as Mr. Manion shares revealing details in the case, including a flip-flop from NCSE's Eugenie Scott.
Is your body engineered? Or did it evolve through impersonal, random processes over millions of years through natural selection? On this ID The Future,...
On this episode of ID the Future, CSC's Casey Luskin interviews Senior Fellow Michael Behe, the well known author of Darwin's Black Box, and...
This is the fifth installment in a six-part interview with Dr. Lyle Jensen. Today on ID The Future, Jensen explains his doubts about Darwinian...